

Denial of Service (DoS) is a cyber-attack that aims to disrupt the services of an internet connected network temporarily or indefinitely, making the machine or the network resources unavailable to the users. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks use multiple techniques aiming to prevent commercial use of internet or to damage the reputation of organizations by limiting their internet Access. Sometimes these attacks can be used to threaten the organizations to force them pay to stop, and sometimes, these attacks can be used to hide other attacks. Anti-DDoS products and services detect these attacks and decreases their frequency. Any website can be targeted by DDoS attackers. Sometimes the attackers aim out of web resources (e.g. firewalls) to prevent users’ internet access. DDoS mitigation services are very effective in decreasing the frequency of these attacks. For example, a good DDoS mitigation service can allow the organizations’ website to function during a full-scale attack. Organizations without DDoS mitigation services might face heavy financial damages in case of such an attack. In addition to that, if the organization fails to defend itself properly, its reputation might be damaged as well. For this reason, DDoS mitigation services are a valuable investment for every organization that needs to protect its website and internet access.